مطلوب للعمل فى قطر

Job Vacancies

ECG Engineering Consultants Group

seeks to hire the following positions 

for Cairo and Gulf Area Offices

Design and Detailing Team Leaders

Architectural (Code ARP), Structural (Code ELP), Mechanical (Code EMP), HVAC (code HVP), Low Current Systems (code LIP), Electrical (Code EEP), Interior (Code AIP), Urban (Code UPP) & Landscape (Code LSP), Medical Equipment (Code BM), Geotechnical (Code EGP):


·         10 - 20 years of experience in design works, detailed design and tender documents. Ability to plan, coordinate, direct, and review the work of subordinates, train and lead them.

·         Management and coordination skills are preferable.

·         Excellent English report writing capabilities is a must.

·         Skills in preparing and conducting presentations and training individuals.

·         Ability to effectively prioritize and execute task in high pressure environment

·         Knowledge of modern and complex principles and practices of Architectural engineering in order to design and design review.

Design Engineers

Architectural Life Safety (Code ARF):

·         Architect with at least 10 years of experience. A minimum of 5 years experience in applying The Egyptian Fire Safety Code, NFPA 101 and NFPA 5000 to architectural design of various types of buildings. Applicant shall possess excellent English report writing capabilities.

Structural Engineer (Code EL):

·         3 - 10 years of experience in analysis, design and detailing of reinforced concrete and steel structures for multifunctional projects.

Mechanical (Code EM):

·         3 - 10 years of experience in Pluming & Fire Protection Engineering Design systems for multi-functional buildings.

HVAC (Code HV):

·         3 - 10 years of experience in HVAC Engineering Design systems for multi-functional buildings.

Low Current Systems (Code LC):

·         3 - 10 years of experience in design and installation of low current systems in consulting firm with B.Sc. in Telecommunication from a recognized university.

·         Experience as a system supplier & installer is an advantage.

Electrical Power (Code EE):

·         3 - 10 years of experience in electrical power engineering design for multi-functional buildings.

·         Experience in High Voltage projects and/or Internal and External Lighting are advantages.

Electrical Air Field (Code AFL):

·         5 - 10 years of experience in electrical engineering design of air-field lighting and helipad lighting including its power supply, miscellaneous lighted visual aids and control system. B.Sc. in Electrical Power.

Interior (Code AI):

·         3 - 20 years of experience in architectural interior designs for offices, banks, hotels, hospitals and shopping centers.

Urban / Landscape (Code UP/LS):

·         3 - 20 years of experience in Urban and landscape designs and preparation of related detailing.

Medical Equipment (Code BM):

·         10 years of experience in the field of Medical Equipment Planning in health care facilities;

·         Experience in preparing Loaded drawings, room data sheets & equipment data sheets;

·         Estimating Bill of quantities and developing specifications;

·         B.Sc. in Medical Equipment Engineering

Geotechnical (Code EG):

·         5 - 15 years of experience in site investigations and analysis/design of earthworks, deep foundations, slope stability, and other geotechnical aspects.

·         English language and technical report writing skills are mandatory. Preferably with a post graduate qualification in a geotechnical related subject.

Infrastructure Design Engineers:

5 - 15 years using latest Infrastructure software in the Design of:

·         Roads, highways and airports;

·         Water & wastewater networks, pump stations and treatment plants.

·         B.Sc. in Civil/Environmental Engineering.

·         Good command of related software (Auto CAD - Sewer CAD - Water CAD - Water hummer), and Word Processing Software (Excel, Word, Power point).

Roads & Airports (Code: EAS) :

·         Analysis and design of Roads, Airports, Survey & GIS engineering works (roads, high ways, airports, runways, apron).

·         Preparation of drawings and tender documents.

Water/Wastewater (Code: EWS):

·         Analysis and design of Water/Wastewater engineering works (Water/waste water pipelines, networks, pump stations, treatment plants, and wastewater resources studies)




  1. جزاك الله خيرا لمساعدتك لإخوانك ونشرك للخير

  2. جزانا و اياك , ده واجب علينا اخي و ربنا يوفق الجميع

  3. لو سمحت أريد أرسل لك سؤال وفعلا أرسلت لك على الإيميل منذ ثلاثة أيام هل يوجد إيميل أخر لحضرتك

  4. جزاكم الله خيرا علي ماتقدموه من خير للناس

  5. فين الايميل اللي نبعت عليه ؟؟؟؟

  6. OMR.SELM على الجيميل , قرأت رسالتك اخي , و لم اتمكن من الرد عليها على ايميل الياهو "لدي مشكلة في المتصفح مع ايميل الياهو "فعذرا

  7. http://www.ecgsa.com/jobvacancies1


  8. والله أنك إنسان محترم وصل الرد أخي الحبيب وماأجمله من رد

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  12. [...] مطلوب للعمل فى قطر (draftsman.wordpress.com) [...]

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  14. [...] مطلوب للعمل فى قطر (draftsman.wordpress.com) [...]

  15. [...] مطلوب للعمل فى قطر (draftsman.wordpress.com) [...]

  16. [...] مطلوب للعمل فى قطر (draftsman.wordpress.com) [...]

  17. [...] مطلوب للعمل فى قطر (draftsman.wordpress.com) [...]

  18. رسام معماري5 مايو 2014 في 1:33 م

    رسام معماري على برنامج الكاد وبرنامج الريفت يريد السفر لقطر

  19. السلام عليكم استاذنا الفاضل المهندس عمر سليم بارك الله فيك انا مهندس مدنى 2012 ارغب بالعمل بدولة قطر


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