Autodesk Account
من حساب اوتوديسك يمكنك تحميل ادوات مساعدة
Downloading Product Enhancements

The following extensions can be downloaded from Autodesk Account:
These apps are free for the following Subscriptions:
Downloading Product Enhancements
- t Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit 2015
The following extensions can be downloaded from Autodesk Account:
- Reinforcement Extensions
- Roombook-Areabook-Buildingbook Extension
- Space Naming Utility
- Worksharing Monitor
- Batch Print
- Model Review
- DB Link
- Revit Server 2014 and 2015 Standalone Installer
- eTransmit
These apps are free for the following Subscriptions:
- AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite
- AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite
- Revit Architecture
- Revit Structure
- Building Design Suite Premium
- Building Design Suite Ultimate
- Infrastructure Design Suite Ultimate
- Infrastructure Design Suite Premium
- Plant Design Suite Premium
- Plant Design Suite Ultimate
- Design Academy
- Autodesk Education Master Suite
- T1 Enterprise Multi-Flex
بشمهندس عمر حاولت انزل revit db link 2015 من على الموقع بس رفض لان الاكونت طالب لو تعرف مكان تاني او انت عندك اللينك ده يبقى الف شكر ليك يا هندسه