Rockit Gets Revit 2017 Support and New Commands

اداة مفيدة للعديد من الاشياء مثل تكرار اي عددمن views باي تكرار , ممكن تكرره عشر مرات مره واحدة

و سرعه و سهوله البحث و تغير الاسماء

Rockit™ Autodesk® Revit® productivity tools to assist model and BIM managers, and anybody using Revit with a massive collection of the most useful and productive add-in utilities on the market. Using Rockit Bulk Rename you are able to rename multiple views or sheets or anything! with one click using the powerful find & replace, suffix, postfix options. With parameters manager you are able to quickly find the shared parameter you are after and bind it to the project or family, quickly rename or delete shared and project parameters.


With the project search tool you can find anything within the project browser so simply, like you are using Skype and searching for a contact, this functionality has been included into the object style and materials search, category search and publish tools. Family management commands. Publish to PDF (include sheet revisions), manage links, sheet creator, and so much more.



Filed under: public, REVITAPP

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