Yes Man

الفيلم بطولة جيم كاري يحكي قصة شاب تعود ان يعيش في المنطقة الامنه و يقول :"لا" لكل شئ

يرفض ان كل فرصه و كل عرض و يمضي حياته شغل تلفزيون

يحضر محاضرة تنمية بشريه و يقتنع ان لعنه ستصيبه لو قال :"لا"

يقول نعم لكل شئ فتتغير حياته كثيرا جدا للافضل و يتعلم مهارات كثيرة و ينقذ شاب من الموت

Jumper: Who you, man? Don't try anything, I'm going to kill myself so don't try to stop me.

Carl: Uh, okay...

Jumper: What you mean "okay"?

Carl: No, I don't mean "okay" — I just — give me a second. Uh, I should say something to you here.... Um, don't really know what it is.

Jumper: Man, you terrible at this, are you even a cop?

Carl: Hold on a second — I'm thinking! Wait! I got it.

Jumper: Where you going man? My man — hello?

Carl: Don't do it! I'm coming — "patience is a virtue."

Jumper: What the hell you doing in there?

Carl: [playing guitar and singing "Jumper" by Third Eye Blind]: I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend.You could cut ties with all the lies that youve been living in,And if you would never want to see me againI would understandI would understand. ... [Forgets lyrics] um, what is it?

Jumper [singing] : The angry boy a bit too insaneIcing over a secret pain.You know you dont belong!

Carl: Everyone I know has got a reasonTo say... [crowd joins in] put the past away!

لكنه يصاب بمشاكل في النهاية بسبب انه لا يقول لا لأئ شئ

ثم يكتشف انه ليس هناك لعنه

Carl: I need you to remove the covenant.

Terrence: There is no covenant, there never was, I was just riffing.

Carl: Riffing?

Terrence: Well, I had to say something — you were being difficult, embarrassing me in front of my crowd.

Carl: So that little "Yes" thing is all bullshit?

Terrence: No — you just don't know how to use it, that's all.

Carl: Yeah I do — say "yes" to everything — real tough to grasp.

Terrence [exasperated]: No, that's not the point. Well, maybe at first it is, but that's just to open you up to it — to get you started. Then you're saying yes not because you have to, not because a covenant tells you to, but because you know in your heart that you want to.

Carl: Yah. You're right. That makes perfect sense.

في الختام يتعلم ان يقول نعم و ان يقول لا و ان يستثمر حياته و وقته

Yes Man

ملحوظة : الفيلم شاهدته منذ سنين و نبهني بعض الافاضل ان به لقطات سيئه كنت قد نسيتها فنذكر بغض البصر او مشاهدته من قناة محترمه


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