FenestraPro Target

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Autodesk Exchange Apps website.

he functionality provided by the FenestraPro Premium Add-In package
The tool allows you to determine the target percentage glazing for your conceptual mass model based on the thermal performance of the building envelope.
Once complete, the target percentage is applied to the Conceptual Mass Model.

FenestraPro Premium for Autodesk® Revit® balances the heat loss, heat gain and daylighting requirements of the façade and gives the building designer key parameters within which to work, before applying these design decisions directly to the conceptual mass model.

FenestraPro Premium enables Users to establish the following key design parameters relating to the performance of the building from the:

The maximum allowable Percentage Glazing based the thermal performance;
Optimal distribution of the Percentage Glazing to maximize passive solar gain, without overheating the building;
Performance specification for alternative glazing types;
The optimal shading system to control heat gain at peak times;
Review thermal, heat gain and daylighting performance values;
Display values and indicate performance in chart format, or on the model.
Apply decisions relating to Percentage Glazing directly to the Revit model.

This is a BETA Trial release of FenestraPro for Revit, and is of limited functionality. It does not currently save information outside of the Revit model, nor does it generate reporting, which will be functionality added for commercial release version.
