البرامج الهندسية المعمارية غير المكلفة

البرامج الهندسية مكلفة جدا لهذا نبحث مع بعض عن البدائل الرخيصة

بحيث لا يزيد تكلفة النسخة  عن 2500 دولار   "للجهاز الواحد"


  • www.cadvance.com

  • The current version is V14 and is $2295.00.

  • A product of Furukawa Information Technology, Inc.

  • This is listed first because you can download a copy for Free of their re-release of CADVANCE Version 6.5. It was designed for Windows 3.1, but yet also runs on Windows 95/98, NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home, and Windows XP Pro.  (I was not able to install it on my 64-bit Windows 7 system.)


  • www.draftsight.com

  • The standalone version is FREE.

  • افضل بديل مجاني

  • A product of Dassault Systèmes.

  • While this is not an architectural package, I am listing it since you can get a copy of it for free and it allows you to work with the non-BIM versions of AutoCAD.

  • يعمل على وندوز و لينكس


  • www.datacad.com

  • Current version is 14.

  • DataCAD LT price for new (called First) license is $295.00

  • The regular DataCAD version is priced at $1295.00 for a new (called First) license

Chief Architect Home Designer Pro

Punch! Home and Landscape Design Architectural Series

Solid Builder Building Blocks Design Software


من انتاج اتوديسك

  • www.autodesk.com

  • Current version is 2013.

  • Pricing for new license is $1200.00 from Autodesk.

  • This software can be purchased at many outlets for less price.  I found it for $980.00 at Amazon.

  • This is not specifically an architectural design software, but is included only due to the popularity of the AutoCAD software.



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