Prison Break

لماذا نناقش مسلسل مثل Prison Break في مدونة خاصة بال bim و العمارة ؟؟

المسلسل يحكي قصة مهندس انشائي يدحل احوة السجن و يريد ان يخرجه من السجن خاصة ان لدية الرسومات المعمارية و الانشائية و mep  للسجن فيعمل وشم بها على جسمه (معني كدة انه يقلل من الاستحمام)


فالمسلسل به نظريات معمارية و تصميمات بل هناك نقاط لن يستوعبها الا من يعمل في المجال

فهو قريب من المدونة مثل فيلم  منزل البحيرة و قنديل ام هاشم 

طبعا واضح لكل متابع :اني" بستعبط" فهناك افلام و مسلسلات كثير ليس لها علاقة بالعمارة ناقشتها في المدونة مثل فيلم البرئ & Fight Club &  The Imitation Game

و ان هذه التدوينات خاصة بالفن السابع و هو السينما


 مايكل مهندس انشائي درس في Loyola University, Chicago, Chicago, IL M.S. in Civil Engineering

و كسب Magna Cum Laude distinction for graduating with a grade point average in the top five percent of his class (3.98).

و درس تحت يد الدكاترة  Eduardo Rivera, Megan Costa and Ravi Rajendra.

مبدع في حل انظمة المباني

الجوائز التي حصل عليها

  • Phi Beta Kappa Elected to nation's oldest academic fraternity in first year of eligibility.

  • Dean's List: Achieved Dean's List honors (by earning a grade point average of 3.5 or better) in every semester, both undergraduate and graduate.

  • Percival Stern Award: Received award from the Engineering Department honoring "most promising young structural engineer" upon undergraduate graduation.

  • Chicago Youth Outreach Mentor, Chicago, IL: Mentored over 50 inner-city children during five year involvement with the program.

اخوة تضطره الظروف ان يسلك طريق الجريمة لكنه لا يريد ان يصبح اخوة مثله فينفق على تعليمة الجامعي حتي يتخرج دون ان يخبره

عندما يسجن اخوه في قضية قتل , يعرف مايكل ان اخوه ليس شرير و انه مدين له فيقرر ان يساعده في الهرب

 مدير السجن يطلب منه تصميم هدية نموذج تاج محل لزوجته

"I purposely specified this wall to be Styrofoam with a 0.25-inch concrete veneer, so we can dig through in about 5 minutes."

"I thought I’d specify the floor of this secret soundproof room to contain a trap door that leads to an unused, 1100 ft tunnel that nobody knows about, which opens up in a densely wooded area near an abandoned used clothing and make-up store, next to the large multi-modal transportation hub."

"Of course I’m sure. There was a HUGE construction phase services budget that allowed me to be on-site every day of construction, so I can attest that it was all built EXACTLY per plan."

"I’m the only one that knows that this wall is grossly under-designed to begin with, and I know for a fact the contractor didn’t use any rebar here."

 التخطيط غير التنفيذ , يفاجئ مايكل بتغيرات كثيرة عما كان خطط له

Scofield: Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke’s law of elasticity?

Sucre: What do you think?

Scofield: We drill holes in strategic locations, we compromise the load carrying capacity of the wall. Sucre: How about speaking English? A while later…

Sucre: Got a question for you fish. What if we do all this work and the pipe is 10 feet that way?

Scofield: It wont be.

Sucre: You got x ray vision?

Scofield: I calculated the drill point coordinates, hid them in my tattoo and then projected them back on to the wall. Everything has been worked out till the image hits to the right spot. Its just math.

Sucre: What if your math is wrong?

Scofield: You’ll drill into one of a dozen gas lines behind the wall, there will be an explosion and we’ll be burned alive. -Long pause-

Sucre: But… you’re good at math, right?


Sucre: -Chanting prayers while drilling-

Abruzzi: -creeps up on Sucre- Who are you talking to?

Sucre: Geez, you scared me man! It’s the fish’s idea. The devil marks the wall so you know where to drill the holes.

Abruzzi: You’re drilling the holes with an egg beater?

Sucre: I know crazy huh? Its called the

Hooker law. It says that if you poke the exact right hole with something big and strong, it gets very weak.

Abruzzi: -ponders- That’s true.

Abruzzi: Gimme that, gimme that! -snatches the egg beater-

Sucre: Nahh..I don’t know…

Abruzzi: Gimme that thing! Demolition runs in the family. The whole trick is pressure.. where should I? Here? Good, good, you see, you should push hard, but not too hard, just like when you, you know… –chuckles-

Sucre: Yeah but gotta be careful though –

Abruzzi: Yeahh I know!

Sucre: No…no I mean it! One slip and yo-you’ll hit the gas pipe!

Abruzzi: -stops drilling- Gas… pipe?

Sucre: Yeah you know, as in..the pipe that carries the gas…? 


المشاركات الشائعة