Stairs Builder
Stairs Builder is an application based on Autodesk® Revit®. It provides powerful capabilities and friendly features for stairs creation with following characteristics:
- Fourteen kinds of the most common stairs are supported.
- Stairs can be created across more than one level.
- Levels with different intervals are supported for stairs creation with Stairs Builder.
- Landings and Openings can be created automatically.
- Stairs type and Railing type can be specified before stairs will be created.
- Flexible ways to locate the stairs to be created.
اداة لبناء السلالم في الريفيت بسهولة بها اربعه عشر نوعا شائعا
و يمكن بناء السلم على اكثر من مستوي
يمكن تحديد نوع السلم و السور قبل بناء السلم

Autodesk Exchange Apps website.
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