Autodesk Advance Steel

برنامج من اوتوديسك للمهندسين الانشائين

و اجهته مبنية على الاتوكاد , هو بعينة ب.... بشكله

و يمكنك من التصدير و الاستيراد من و الي الريفيت و النافيسوركس

Full bidirectional integration between Autodesk Revit Structure and all Graitec products

Autodesk Advance Steel: BIM software for structural steel engineering, detailing and fabrication

Autodesk Advance Concrete: BIM software for structural concrete engineering, detailing and fabrication

Advance Design: BIM software for FEM structural analysis including international eurocodes

Advance CAD: 2D/3D software dedicated to the AEC industryn


Parametric steel connections

Model faster with a library of ready-to-use connections.

See all features

Steel shop drawings

Use customizable templates to generate high-quality drawings.


Bidirectional link with Revit

Provide a seamless BIM workflow from design to fabrication.


Detailing & documentation

  • Generate accurate steel shop drawings

    Steel shop drawings

    Generate accurate drawings for fabrication.


  • Produce drawings with automatic dimensions and labels

    General arrangement drawings

    Produce clear drawings for erection at site.

  • Create accurate bills of materials

    Bills of materials

    Quickly create accurate BOMs based on design data.

  • Output compliant CNC files

    CNC data

    Generate data for CNC workshop machines.

  • Document Manager

    Document Manager

    Get full control over your documentation.

  • Integrated revision control

    Integrated revision control

    Use revision clouds to manage drawing edits.


  • Advance Steel is interoperable with Revit

    Bidirectional link with Revit

    Speed time to fabrication with Revit design data.

  • Advance Steel is interoperable with Robot Structural Analysis

    Robot Structural Analysis interoperability

    Optimize your structure with bidirectional links.

  • Advance Steel is compatible with Navisworks

    Navisworks compatibility

    Integrate data for a whole-project review.

  • Export model data to MIS software

    MIS software interoperability

    Export data via KISS or XML and optimize fabrication.

  • Collaborate in Advance Steel


    Use collaboration tools to model, produce faster.
