
Export XYZ from Revit

لو عايز ريبورت بال x,y,z لكل element اعمله اكسبورت ازاي لمودل MEP ؟

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download from here


Export XYZ from Revit 2011

This extension forRevit 2011 exports allcoordinates of Point Based Generic Models to an Excel file.You can locate Point Based Generic Models in your whole model. You are able to nest such a Family within another. These points are exported as well when you make this family Shared.

You can download it here. (It has been compiled for Windows XP 32 bits)

Import coordinates into Revit 2011

I updated theRevit 2010 extension for importingcoordinates from a TXT file. You are free to select a family of your own. Itshould be a Point Based family of course.You can download the extension here.


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RevitToday Add-Ins Import and Export Coordinates

Renzo van Rijswijk just pointed out that he offers some free Revit add-ins on his blog RevitToday:

  • Export XYZ from Revit 2011 to export all coordinates of Point Based Generic Models to an Excel file. You can locate Point Based Generic Models in your whole model. You are able to nest such a Family within another. These points are exported as well when you make this family Shared.


External Command: Family XYZ Location Point to CSV

He added the In & Out functionality here.

Lastly, Paolo added the site consideration here.

What this series of my posts regarding Paolo Emilio Serra's Point Revit blog has reminded me is that I need to get up to date on what Harry Mattison has been doing on his Boost Your BIM blog, and what Jeremy Tammik has been posting about on his The Building Coder blog.




  1. اول ما عملت كت وبيست في الباث علي ريفت 2014 اداني الايرور ده
    failed to initialize the add-in "exportxyz.addin" because the add-in registeration is missing the requires value of vendorid node. the vendorid node identify the vendor of the add-in application. fro revit to run the add-in, you must register the node defined in manifast "exportxyz.addin" file.

  2. جربت تاني علي نسخه احدث واشتغلت تمام تسلم ياهنسه


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