RTV Xporter
- Create, save and execute Batch and Scheduled tasks for Exporting and Printing from Autodesk® Revit® project files, tasks can be automatically run as a single Batch process or on a repeating Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Hourly Scheduled process.
انشاء و حفظ و تصدير و طباعة عدد من الملفات من مشروع الريفيت
- Automatic creation of PDFs, DWG, DWF, DWFx, DXF, DGN, NWC and IFC files from Autodesk® Revit® drawing sheets and views.
انشاء الملفات تلقائيا بامتدادات مختلفة PDFs, DWG, DWF, DWFx, DXF, DGN, NWC and IFC
- Built-in parametric file naming engine automatically saves exported files to match any company’s or project team’s file naming conventions.
- نظام تسمية مدمج
- Batch print large format and reduced hardcopies to two separate printers simultaneously.
- Minimal and fast learning curve with the intuitive and clean graphical user interface (GUI).
- No setup required, just install and automate your work processes today.
غير محتاج للتنصيب , اشتغل على طول
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