حوار مع الدكتور Bilal Succar

حوار مع الدكتور  Bilal Succar
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 ان شاء الله اعمل مونتاج للفيديو لكن فيه مشكلة في الجهاز احلها اليوم


I’m a designer, visual communicator and avid researcher based in Melbourne, Australia. With a varied background in business, design, construction and Building Information Modelling (BIM), I have worked across many organizations in Australia and the Middle East; led a specialised consultancy business for 10 years; launched an industry-first BIM assessment start-up; published high-impact peer-reviewed articles; led industry-wide initiatives; and keynoted prestigious international seminars. I’m also a conjoint senior lecturer at a leading Australian university; a member of an academic advisory committee; and a publisher of two specialised blogs.

My full academic profile including PhD thesis, peer-reviewed papers and sample industry presentations are provided on http://bit.ly/Bilal_Succar .

Research Expertise
My research focuses on the technologies, processes and policies enabling construction industry stakeholders to collaboratively design, build and operate a facility. I intently investigate Building Information Modelling (BIM) as the current expression of technical and procedural innovation within the construction industry. To understand BIM, I rely less on charting its technological innovations and more on analysing its change-dynamics, knowledge infrastructure and competency requirements. BIM adoption by industry and academia faces numerous challenges, each warranting a focused investigation by domain researchers. My research does not isolate a single gap to address but espouses a holistic view of the knowledge problem at hand. It contributes an evolving set of conceptual constructs and a number of practicable knowledge tools to facilitate BIM learning, assessment and performance improvement. I have 20 years’ experience within the construction industry including 10 years as an independent BIM consultant/researcher. I have published a number of peer-reviewed articles, participated in industry-wide initiatives, and developed several BIM assessment and workflow improvement tools.

My Network

  • BIM ThinkSpace
    BIM ThinkSpace is one of the longest running blogs (first post was in Oct 2005) covering Building Information Modelling from an ‘informed practitioners’ perspective. It posts infrequently yet shares thought-provoking topics and valuable contributions from international guest authors.
  • BIM Framework
    A blog for researchers interested in adapting the BIM Framework (Succar, 2009). Each post focuses on one conceptual part and is linked to peer-reviewed papers.
  • BIM Excellence
    BIM Excellence (BIMe) is a research-based method to improve the BIM competency of individuals, organizations and project teams. BIMe uses specialised online tools to compare current abilities against project/client requirements and industry benchmarks.
  • ChangeAgents AEC
    ChangeAgents AEC is a BIM performance assessment and improvement consultancy operating since 2004 out of Melbourne, Australia.
كيفيه استخدام البيم في اداره المشروعات_
ما هي اخر مجالات وتطبيقات البيم واحدثها_ ما هي اقوي الجامعات حول العالم لدراسه البيم وتطبيقاته_
بما ينصح المتخصصون في البيم الشباب المبتددئ في هذا المجال واي المجالات تنصحونهم بالاستمرار فيه)
1. موضوع ال(LOD & LOI )   بالبيم  موضوع مهم جدا يا ريت يحكي فيه بالتفصيل
2. شو ممكن تكون تطبيقات البيم المستقبيلة مع ال BIG DATA
اريد ان اعرف علاقة البيم بإدارة المشروعات ؟ بمعني هل مسؤل البيم يمكنه ان يدير كامل المشروع بهذه الفلسفة ؟ وكيف ذلك اذا كان ممكن
كيفية الاستفادة من البيم فى الاشغال العامة والطرق

من واقع تجربتكم مع البيم ماهي النسبة المتوقعة لتخفيض مدة انجاز المشروع وكذلك تخفيض التكاليف مقارنة مع مايتم انجازة

هل يستطيع BIM نمذجة المشاريع من خلال الاكواد العالمية و العربية ؟
الي اي مدي انتشر البيم في الوطن العربي
من فضلك يا بشمهندس كنت عايز خطواط للوصول للbim manager
بعتذر عن صوت ” معاذ عمر ” اثناء اللقاء


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