free software for LEED &BIM

في هذه التدوينة ساتعرض لبعض البرامج التي تربط بين LEED و BIM 

اولا قوة ال BIM في عمل نموذج مماثل للمبني فيمكن دراسة التاثيرات عليه و التي لم تكن تظهر الا بعد انتهاء المشروع و تسليمه للمالك

فمجرد عمل النموذج هو خطوة مفيدة لل LEED و يمكن دراسة الشمس و الظلال باي برنامج مثل الريفيت او الاركيكاد او الاسكتش اب

تطبيق ال LEED باستخدام برامج ال BIM يساعد علي علي 

مباني صديقة للبيئة

تقليل استخدام الكهرباء للاضاءة

تقليل ثاني اكيسد الكريون

الحفاظ على المياة

اقل تكلفة

يمكنك باسهل الطرق تصدير النموذج الي GBXML و العمل به على برامج ال LEED لو كنت محترف لاحدها او

هناك برامج مثل

Revit Credit Manager

Autodesk Apps for LEED® Automation have direct access to LEED Online and aim to drastically simplify LEED documentation and project management. They are based on Autodesk PLM 360 and support LEED v2009 NC, CI, CS and EBOM. Please if you are interested in piloting this emerging technology through the Autodesk Feedback Community.

In addition, Autodesk also offers following LEED tools:

Automated Daylighting for LEED® – This new feature in Lighting Analysis for Revit performs extremely fast and physically accurate daylighting simulations in the cloud, delivering results for LEED IEQc8.1 2009 directly to your design environment. The service automatically generates the information you need for submission to the GBCI. Learn more here.

Revit Credit Manager for LEED®: The Revit Credit Manager for LEED plug-in aims to automate LEED calculations, improve design decisions and streamline LEED submittals, right from within the design environment. Please contact if you are interested in piloting this promising technology through the Autodesk Feedback Community.

Automated Commissioning on a Tablet for LEED®: Autodesk BIM 360 Field on Tablets and mobile devices can automate field processes and distribute plans and drawings, saving significant time for users and the project overall. These tools allow automated LEED commissioning toPerform Inspections, Commission Equipment, and Track Issues in the field. Try it for free here.

Life Cycle Assessments with Tally™: Developed by KT Innovations, an affiliate of KieranTimberlake, Tally calculates environmental impacts of building materials. Backed by data from PE International, this award winning Revit plug-in enables Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on demand that meets new requirements for LEED v4 and MR pilot credits. Tally is available through the Autodesk Exchange App Store.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure with LID for Sites Beta: A plug-in for Autodesk InfraWorks, LID for Sites Beta offers the ability to sketch green roofs, bio swales, and other Low Impact Development techniques into your project to meet municipal stormwater requirements and LEED’s Sustainable Sites stormwater credits. Please contact to pilot this emerging technology.

Sustainable Return on Investment with AutoCASE™: Calculate the business case and triple bottom line impacts of your infrastructure design proposals with AutoCASE by Impact Infrastructure, LLC. AutoCASE enables project teams to easily compare alternatives, communicate project value, and earn LEED’s Innovation in Design points. Learn more here.



من البرامج الجميلة ايضا  Tally  Tally

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