Top 6 Open Source Software Apps for Element Modeling and Fluid Dynamics

برامج ديناميكة  الموائع

  • Elmer: This is a cool software program meant for those with multiphysical problems. Includes modeling ability for fluid dynamics, as well as electromagnetics and heat transfer. A great simulator for engineers working in a variety of fields.

محاكاة كبيرة لديناميكة المواضع , به ادوات كثيرة لعمل المحاكاة

  • Impact: Meant to be a simple alternative to some of the more complex finite elementprograms, Impact offers a solution for engineers. This program uses an explicit time stepping algorithm meant to simulate dynamic situations. Impact can be helpful for engineers working with dynamic simulations.

بديل بسيط لبرامج المحاكاة الديناميكية


  • OpenFVM: Released under the GPL license, this open source software offers a CFD solver that engineers can use for a variety of projects. In addition to evaluating partial differential equations, OpenFVM can also solve non-isothermal multiphase flow.

حلول CFD  لانواع كبيرة من المشاريع

  • SALOME: Open source platform aimed at numerical simulation. This integration software can help engineers create a CAD-CAE link. Uses one or more external solvers to help perform computation, and displays the results clearly.

 برنامج محاكاة يمكن ربطه ب CAD-CAE

  • Gmsh: Engineers can get good use out of this 3D finite element grid generator. Comes with a build-in CAD engine. Has its own scripting language. This open source software is released under a GPL. Includes advanced capabilities for visualization.


  • Code_Aster: You will have to get a version in English, but once you have it, you can use this open source software to help you with finite element applications. A great engineering tool.

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