Revealed: Dubai Municipality’s updated BIM mandate

بلدية دبي اصدرت سابقا تعميم بجعل ال bim ملزما للمباني معينة


·         تعميم رقم (196) بشأن تطبيق نموذج ال(Building Information Modeling – BIM ).

اصدرت مؤخرا تعميما اخر يوسع استخدام ال bim


207_CircularsofConstructions_Page_2 207_CircularsofConstructions_Page_1
  • First: Architectural and Mechanical works for the following buildings:
    1. Buildings and facilities which are higher than 20 floors.
    2. Buildings, facilities and complexes which its area exceed (200 thousand) square feet.
    3. Buildings and specialized facilities such as Hospitals, Universities and similar buildings.
    4. All government projects.
    5. All buildings and projects which submitted by a foreign branch office.
    Second: Structural works:
    For buildings and projects mentioned in previous circular 169 for 2013, as follow:
    1. Buildings higher than for (40) floor.
    2. Buildings area which exceed (300 thousand square feet).
    3. Specialized buildings such Hospitals, Universities and similar buildings.
    4. All buildings and projects which submitted by a foreign branch office.

Filed under: BIM

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