Design Master Electrical RT

General Usage Instructions

To use the software, create and connect your electrical equipment in your Revit MEP model like you normally would. Then, use the "DM Electrical->Panels->Edit Panels" and "DM Electrical->Circuits->Edit Circuits" commands to add the additional information needed for the calculations. You can view the results using the included feeder schedule, voltage drop schedule, and fault schedule. For more information, see the "Getting Started" section of the user manual.

هدية لرجاله كهربا

برنامج يسهل العمل على الريفيت

 يضيف الحسابات الكهربائية ل أوتوديسك ريفيت ® ® الهندسة الكهربائية والميكانيكية .

بحب اجرب كل شئ


Feeder Sizing: Feeders are size automatically based upon the upstream overcurrent protection for a piece of electrical equipment. You have complete control of the chosen feeder size and can override it when necessary.Branch Circuit Sizing: Branch circuit breakers and wire sizesare sized automatically based upon the connected load. You have complete control of the breaker and wire size and can override it when necessary.Fault Calculations: Available fault current is calculated for each piece of electrical equipment. The calculated fault current can be used to set the AIC rating for the device.

Voltage Drop Calculations: The voltage drop is calculated between each piece of electrical equipment. Feeders that exceed the maximum 3% voltage drop allowed can be easily resized.

Arc-Flash Calculations: Arc-flash calculations are performed at each piece of electrical equipment. An arc-flash schedule can be created that displays the calculated values. Arc-flash warning labels can be printed to be put on devices in the field.











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