how to reduce file size in autocad ???

I'm happy because you ask this question  ,

كيف نعمل دايت لملف الاتوكاد و نخلية يخس شوية , يلعب رياضية و يقلل الاكل

اولا استخدم امر purge


امر audit

 AutoCAD menu (the big red A) > Drawing utilities > Audit.


يمكنك تحديد الكل ثم shift  و تستثني الجزء الذي تريد  و تحذف الباقي

ممكن امر wblock  بحيث تصدر ما تحتاجة و تترك البيانات المخفية


يمكنك استخدام المتغير LARGEOBJECTSUPPORT

Controls large object size limit support when you open and save drawings.

0 = Use legacy object size limits from AutoCAD 2009 and prior

1 = Use AutoCAD 2010 object size limits

OVERKILL   الامر  بيجيب نتيجة  حلوه

- نسخ محتويات الملف الى ملف فارغ

Try to copy all objects from current drawing to new empty drawing.


حمل الاداة


Scale list issue  المشكلة قد تكون

This issue was found in AutoCAD 2008, when Autodesk first introduce annotation scaling. You can have so many scale list in your drawing, especially if you work with reference file.

You can clean up the scale list by using available clean up utility.

You can download scale list clean up utility for AutoCAD 2014 here.

DGN Lineweight   ممكن تكون المشكلة


Another issue that can cause DWG file to increase file size is because DGN linetype issue. This can happen if you work with DWG that contains DGN linetype.

There is hotfix available for this issue, and the hotfix also provides clean up utility.

You can download DGN hotfix here.

اظبط المتغيرات


ANNOAUTOSCALE is set to -4 these 2 system variables are set per layout/model.

Regapp ID Cleanup Utility for AutoCAD 2008/2009

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